Restaurants & Nightlife

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Chu Chu no ie at Shin Furano Prince Hotel

This warm log cottage is the perfect place to relax and indulge in a hot drink day or night.

Phone: 0167 22 1111

Mori no Tokei Café at Shin Furano Prince Hotel

A hideaway cafe with large picture windows to enjoy stunning views of the surrounding forest.

Phone: 0167 22 1111

Soh's Bar at Shin Furano Prince Hotel

Relax in alpine elegance at this atmospheric bar with warm wooden decor and stunning fireplace.

Phone: 0167 22 1111

Coffee Shop Lavender at Shin Furano Prince Hotel

Along with great coffee, try the local Furano curry specialty or other great cafe meals.

Phone: 0167 22 1111

Top of Furano at Shin Furano Prince Hotel

Located on the top floor of New Furano Prince Hotel, enjoy panoramic night ski views.

Phone: 0167 22 1111


Brining you the classic ramen + gyoza combination, with rice dishes to choose from too!

Phone: 0269 85 2540

Yakitori Masaemon

The friendly owners have been serving up delicious yakitori chicken skewers for decades here.

Phone: TBA


The heart-warming syabu syabu and sukiyaki sets are the perfect way to end your day.

Phone: 0269 85 3010


Izakaya style dining, share delicious plates of yakitori, fried tofu, sashimi and more.

Phone: 0269 85 3565

Juntos Mexican Food

This cosy eatery is tucked away off the main street, worth the visit for the amazing tacos and margaritas! 

Phone: 080 3434 1016

The Craft Room

Perfect location for a snack or beer whilst skiing, stop by The Craft Room at Nagasaka base.


The Corner Steakhouse

Authentic burgers and seared steaks served with hot fries makes for the perfect evening treat.

Phone: 0269 67 0146