Niseko Getting Around
Taxis can be arranged by your accomodation, see the approximate cost from most properties in Hirafu below:
- Within the village: ¥1,000
- Izumikyo area: ¥1,500
- Hanazono: ¥3,200
- Kutchan: ¥2,500
- Niseko Village: ¥2,500
- Annupuri: ¥3,800
Niseko United Shuttle: When the legs are about to give up, the Niseko United Shuttle bus is your predominant form of transport. Holders of the Niseko All Mountain Ski Pass can ride the bus for free, whilst those without the pass can buy a ticket from 300yen per ride. 12-Points pass holders can ride the bus for 1 point. The shuttle connects Hirafu to JR Kutchan Station, Hilton Niseko Village, and Annupuri Ski Ground.
Hanazono Shuttle: A free shuttle connecting Hirafu Welcome Centre and Hanazono Ski Area.
Niseko Local Bus: Connects JR Kutchan Station to the Hilton Niseko Village via Hirafu Welcome Centre.
Donan Local Bus: Also connects JR Kutchan Station to the Hilton Niseko Village via Hirafu Welcome Centre.
Niseko Area Circuit Bus: Connects JR Niseko Station to the Hilton Niseko Village, Niseko Annupuri Ski Area, Moiwa Ski Area, and Konbu Onsen.